Thursday, April 15, 2010

本周:4/16-4/17 Rock & Republic Sample Sale

折扣: 50% to 80% off dresses, tops, and jeans

时间: Friday, April 16 through Sunday, April 17. Fri 4pm—9pm, Sat—Sun 9am—7pm. 

地点:Metropolitan Pavilion, 123 W. 18th St between Sixth and Seventh Aves, fourth floor (212-463-0071)


本周:4/15-4/16 Hugo Boss Showroom Sample Sale

谁? Hugo Boss

折扣: 50% to 70% off retail

时间: Through Friday, April 16. Thurs 10am—5pm, Fri 10am—1pm. 

地点:Hugo Boss Showroom, 601 W. 26th St between 11th and 12th Aves, eighth floor (no phone)

Wednesday, April 14, 2010

小毛儿Shopping报告:4/14-4/16 Betsey Johnson sample sale 80% off PROM dresses~

ok Betsey Johnson 一年可能有2-3个Sample Sale,都在一个地方,都是冬天。。。(地址看小毛儿主页左边的“最近 SAMPLE SALE 的 品牌,时间,地点”栏儿)可是今年第一次在夏天办了sample sale ...well,去了就知道:都是为了high school prom~ (哎,我的电脑又疯了,英文只能打大写)


Day dresses $65~$75
Evening dresses $80~$100 
Cosmetic bags $15
Handbags $35~$99
Leggings $50
Sandals $75
Jewelry 50% off
Petticoats $75


这个黑色雪纺裙裙不错。。。就是拍出来太黑了。。。我的助理今天没理我,自己先回家了 :( 

小毛儿Shopping报告:4/14-4/18 French Connection Sale

中午的时候就等不及去了French Connection Sample Sale,等車等了30分鐘!!!! 哎,不知道怪我还是怪纽约的交通,一言难尽呀~

说说Sale:其实就是一个“50%-80% off 甩卖”,不是真正的sample来的。 但是。。。 I LOVE IT!!!!

毛兒平时就大爱French Connection,每次去Woodbury 都泡在她的店里不买不走。。。这次,尽管在路上暗暗的想了好久Maldives。。。还是破了戒,不过去Maldives也得穿美美的不是~


Dresses: $75 or $90 (some dresses are really cute!!!)
Skirts: $59
Pants: vary but all less than $100
Jacket$120 (覺得不值,样子只有一件)

Tee: $20
Shirts: $30
Shorts less than $50 
Pants leas than $100

No shoe, bag, accessories.

本来想多拍几张图图,结果死活都不让,本周已经是第2次碰到这种Sale了 :(      笨!


Tuesday, April 13, 2010

本周:4/14-4/16 Betsey Johnson sample sale 80% off dresses~

谁? Betsey Johnson

折扣: 80% off poufy dresses and 50% off accessories at this prom-tastic sale

时间: Wednesday, April 14 through Friday, April 16. Daily 10am—10pm. 

地点:Millennium Broadway Hotel, 145 W. 44th St between Sixth Ave and Broadway, sixth floor (212-768-4400 )

Betsey Johnson sample sale 的老地方了。。。小毛去过3-5次啦,很大,样子数量都不少,裙裙大把!有时候最后一天还有更大的折扣。。。 但是好的样子都没了。。。要去还是趁早吧~ 

本周:4/12-4/14 Bvlgari包包 小皮具 香水 围巾 sample sale!!60%-80% off retail.

Bvlgari包包 小皮具  香水 围巾 sample sale!!60%-80% off retail.

Where: Soiffer Haskin, 317 w 33rd st(near 8th ave) 

When: until 4/14.     9-6.30pm

Price samples:
- ties $52.20
- purfumes all 60% off
- all kinds of bags(a lot, and when I say it I mean it!) 70%off and some with pink marking is 80% off!!

小毛儿今天去转了转。。。死活都不让拍照。。。但是这个sale 不错,包包真的是70% 或者80% off:原价从$1000-$6000都有~ 



4/15 -4/16 Cynthia Steffe nearly everything runs from $5 to $50.

折扣: Girly, flirty samples from spring 2009 through spring 2010, plus a small selection of stock merchandise. Nearly everything runs from $5 to $50.

时间: Thursday, April 15 through Friday, April 16. Daily 10am—5pm.

地点: 550 7th Ave between 39th and 40th Sts, tenth floor (no phone)

有show的designer呦~ 看起来不错!! 价钱更不错!! :) 

4/14-4/18:French Connection Women's & Men's Spring Sample Sale

French Connection Women's & Men's Spring Sample Sale 

4/14/2010- 4/18/2010 

50%-70% off retail. All sizes and full fitting rooms available. 

 Examples of product and price pionts include:
  • Women's wood garden embellished dress now $90, orig. $248
  • Women's ribbon knit dress now $90, orig. $158
  • Women's wizard beaded dress now $90, orig. $198
  • Men's grainy nylon belted double breasted trench coat now $100, orig. $288
  • Men's parachute, cotton belted, army style, over-dyed shorts now $30, orig. $88
小毛儿一定去的!! 明天等报告吧~ 

Sunday, April 11, 2010

本周:4/12 - 4/15 网上Sample Sale预报!Repetto,Vera Wang,Clinique,Juicy Couture and mroe!!

4.12.10 周一                                                          


Vera Wang Collection:不用说啦 Vera Wang嘛~
Go Smile: 对增白牙齿超好的!  


She Hit Pause Studio,小毛儿在Brooklyn Flea 看到的一个特别制作方式的艺术:它的”影响“都是从宝丽来相片,反洗再重新冲印在水彩纸上。。。有一种说不出的朦胧美。说实话,毛儿一直惦记着要回去买,突然间看到这个,就大叫了一声:”天助我也!!“ 哈哈哈。。。  


有名的芭蕾舞鞋公司,自从”芭蕾式“平底鞋开始流行后,他就倍受欢迎~ 可是他的鞋鞋可不便宜:一双基本款都要300刀儿左右。。。大多数都是300往右。 这次说是50%off,算算也不便宜呀。。。看吧,如果不行还是 JCrew 吧~

小毛儿报告:M0851加拿大造防水小牛皮包包、皮衣Sample Sale~

艳阳高照,可是实际上冷得很~ 哎,春天是可望而不可及!

今天由于有重要的事儿要办,只去了一个M0851的sample sale。它的皮子真的很赞: 小牛皮,特殊天然蔬菜染料,防水还是 made in Montreal (蒙特利尔,加拿大的一个法式城市,很美~)价钱不是想象的“sample sale价钱“,但差不多都在零售价的50%-70%,包包大多数都是$100 左右;皮衣是$ 200- $300. 看图图: