Saturday, March 20, 2010

Amarcord 3/20 - 3/21

谁? Amarcord

折扣:Vintage clothing, hats, bags, shoes, and accessories for $5, $10, and $20

时间:Saturday, March 20 through Sunday, March 21. Daily 11am—6pm. 

地点:242 Wythe Ave between N.3rd and N.4th Sts(在Brooklyn Williamsburg)

James-Perse Sample Sale 报告: 最优的材料,最柔的手感的休闲装~

 今天好天气~ 匆匆忙忙的找出小平底鞋,小Tee,挽上裤脚,蹦蹦跳跳的出门了。。。可是,哎, 小毛儿是光着脚脚走回家的。。。有图为证。

 为啥呢?在去James Perse Sample Sale 的路上,走了太长时间了:首先是忘了钱包。。。还好因为嘴馋,在Pinkberry 付钱的时候发现了,就跑回公司拿钱包,又跑回Pinkberry付钱;之后。。。哎。。。因为我这个超级路痴,又走错路。。。从34th 街Madison 大道到James Perse (地址点这里)一共用了2个小时:(  把自己脚脚走肿了(鞋都穿不了了),也把自己气死了!!!


Friday, March 19, 2010

Decades Two 时装界有名的 Vintage/名牌代卖店 Popup Shop now - 3/21

谁? Decadestwo (时装界有名的 Vintage/名牌代卖店)

折扣: Up to 70% off designer pieces, plus a special Sunday shoe sale where everything is $150 and under

地点: Kiki de Montparnasse,(一个非常性感的内衣店楼上) 79 Greene St between Broome and Spring, second floor (212-965-8150) 

时间: Through Sunday, March 21. Daily 11am—7pm.

James Perse 男女“Basic” cloth sale 3/19 - 3/21

谁? James Perse  (有名的高质量“basic wear”牌子,出了名的料子好,手感超~~~好)

折扣: Up to 80% off basics for men, women, and babies
地址: Chelsea Market, 75 Ninth Ave between 15th and 16th Sts (212-543-4300) 
时间:Friday, March 19 through Sunday, March 21. Fri—Sat 10am—9pm, Sun 10am—4pm. 


Thursday, March 18, 2010

报告:J Crew Sample Sale 3/16 - 3/19 又加了价钱表~ 和Jewellery~

终于~ 放下了手里没写完的Email,丢下没画完的稿子,小毛儿背着打算回家做的工作,大腿大腿的飙到了JCrew Sample Sale 的地方。(地址点这里

 小毛儿好像还没跟大家说吧,这个地方是纽约长期SampleSale 的几个地点之一。。。它一般是周二到周五开门,早10.00到晚7.00。(也有特别时候)一周三天,一年四季都有不同牌子的Sample Sale. 如果你留意了,就会看到墙上贴的近期SampleSale的广告:

Theory毛儿会去的~ 如果你喜欢Freepeople的话也值得一去, 小毛儿以前去过, 超多选择的,价钱也不错!

不多讲闲嗑儿了, 看价钱表先~

Wednesday, March 17, 2010

酷酷的Showroom Seven Sample Sale 3/15 - 3/26 报告~ $ 20 牛仔裤到几百刀儿的正装礼服。。。

为了对众亲的承诺,毛儿在3月15周一就去了Showroom7 的Samplesale。。。可是。。。老天单杀独根草,大水尽淹独木桥~ 加班加到快十点。。。到家后猪元儿已经睡着了(还说是在想事情。。。切!骗鬼)

哦,直接进入正题: 毛儿去了Showroom7 的SampleSale。。。好远呀~~ 因为地址在11th Avenue (27和28街中间,几乎没什么地铁可以去到。。。最近的有:ACE在23 或者34街Penn Station(都是第8大道) 所以怎么都要走10分钟~ 好在这个星期天气超好:)
总的来说这个samplesale有十几个Designers,价钱从$10的小上衣到几百块的正装礼服都有~ 要去的话就准备2-3个小时慢慢挑试吧!

报告:J Crew Sample Sale 3/16 - 3/19 最新战况!

哎~ 大好春光。。。我却因为公司的事儿忙的脚打后脑勺儿,快半夜了才下班。。。本来想去探一探Jcrew和Lauren Merkin Sample Sale的虚实。。。哎我的Jcrew呀~刚刚发了文儿就有收到最新价钱信息! 看下面的红色字体!! 又降价了呦~~

不过不要担心~ 有小毛儿在,Sample Sale 的情况早知道! 看毛儿“借”来的图图吧:

Tuesday, March 16, 2010

3/15 本周Sample Sale 报告~

终于感觉到一点春的气息了!!温度上扬到60几度啦~~ 不要辜负这大好春光,有时间去走走逛逛吧~

63°F | 43°F
65°F | 45°F
Partly Cloudy
64°F | 43°F

Sample Sale预报儿: 

J.Crew sample sale 3/16- 3/19


Sample Clothing  /  Sample Sizes
sample tees, blouses, sweaters, cashmere, skirts, pants, dresses & more

Stock Footwear  /  Sizes 5 - 11
ballet flats, moccasins, heels, pumps, wedges & sandals

our biggest & best selection ever
bracelets, necklaces, rings & more

!!! They will be restocking regularly  !!!

Limited quantiites of bags, scarves, belts and hats will be made available by Thursday

时间:3/16- 3/19  Tuesday -Friday10:00 am - 7:00 pm
  地址:261 W 36th Street (between 7th & 8th Ave) 2nd Floor

Lauren Merkin handbags, cluthes, and accessories~ 

折扣:Up to 80 percent off handbags, clutches, and accessories. Makeup bags start at $5.

时间: Mar. 16-20. Tues.-Fri., 11 a.m.-7 p.m.; Sat., 11 a.m.-4 p.m.

地址: 231 W. 29th St., b/t Seventh & Eighth Aves., ste. 201.

Lauren Merkin 的包包 由大到小大概是 800,400,200刀儿左右,当然也看皮子啦。。。质感是没得讲:优!尤其是蟒蛇皮的, 既时髦儿又不失高贵。不能错过了!!!

Showroom Seven 3/15 - 3/26

折扣:很多年轻有朝气的设计师:Kova & T jeans, Andy & Debb blouses, Erickson Beamon jewels, and Tony Cohen dresses at up to 90 percent off.

时间: Mar. 15-26. Mon.-Fri., 10 a.m.-7 p.m.

地址:263 Eleventh Ave., b/t W. 27th & W. 28th Sts., 3rd flr.

* 毛儿去了。。。挺好的。。。 一会儿看文儿吧~ 

Monday, March 15, 2010

Liberty of London for Target, 我去啦!你还没去吗??!!


Sunday, March 14, 2010

One day only (3/14) multi designer sample sale: 最喜欢 "Honey In The Rough"

还好今天的雨没有昨天的疯狂。。。又有小元宝儿开着车说要带我去吃乳鸽。。。很开心的去了那个只有一天的multi designer sample sale. 其实说是Sample Sale。。。我倒觉得更像是大甩卖:都是Production (生产的大货)并没有Samples; 价钱也是大概零售价的50-60%。说实话,店里也买得到啦~

不过倒是看到了一个觉得很有潜力的brand:Honey In The Rough。 看图图吧:
