Wednesday, February 16, 2011

2/8-2/20 Max Mara, Max Mara sport, Tods and Fendi shoe sale

WHAT: Max Mara, Max Mara Sport, Tods and Fendi Shoe Sale
WHY:  Max Mara and Max Mara sport shoes will be priced at just $99 and boots only $149. 
Max Mara and Max Mara sport shoes and boots usually retail from $400 to $800. While you’re there be on the look out for a limited quantity of Tods and Fendi shoes and boots.
The sale also has a selection of discounted tops from Bejewled ($24 to $40) and European children’s clothing. So you can pick up a little for you and a bit for them. With these prices everyone is a big winner.
WHEN: 2/8 - 2/20, M-Th & Sun (10-7:30), F (10-2:30), closed Saturday
WHERE: 605 Fifth Avenue, 6th Floor (btwn 48th and 49th Street)

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3/23-3/27 Hermes sample sale

爱马仕 sample sale 所有sample sale 的鼻祖。。。

虽然没有标志性的 Birkins和Kellys ,  但是会有很多包包,领带,成衣,皮具和配件。

Where: Soiffer Haskin, 317 W. 33rd St. (near 8th Ave.)

When: Wednesday, March 23rd, 9am~6pm
Thursday, March 24th, 9am~8pm
Friday, March 25th, 9am~6pm
Saturday, March 26th., 9am~6pm
Sunday, March 27th, 1pm~5pm
来看看 小毛儿的围脖   FB粉丝团儿   国内的博客 

订婚了?!恭喜啦:Filene's Basement “Running of the Brides”

各。。。位。。。准新娘~ 世界闻名的Filene‘s “Running of the Brides”盛会2月18号就要来纽约啦!!! 

Filene‘s basement每年都有为准新娘们举办为期一天的“名品婚纱”大甩卖:硕大的fillene's basement到时候会有一层空出来,一个个钢架子上摆着大概几百个设计师的1300-2800件婚纱,这些原价从900-9000(或者更多~)在这一天里只有三个价位:$249, $499, $699... 都是一样的“纱”但和那些华丽的Boutique里面的高级定制“价钱”比较,怎能不叫人疯狂?!
Where: Filene's Basement, 2222 & 2228 Broadway (corners of 79th & 80th St.)

When: Friday, February 18th, 8am~10pm
看看网张上的照片。。。有兴趣的排队要趁早儿~ 有好多人前半夜就去排队了。

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

订婚了?!恭喜啦: Anthropologie 婚纱系列~

在这一年之中空气里爱的电波儿最浓的一天。。。最最浪漫的事儿发生了:Anthropologie(urbban outfitter,inc)的婚纱品牌 “BHLDN” 终于揭开了面纱:赞!(后悔,怎么“婚”的那么早啊!!)

Urban offitter inc 公司旗下的Free peopleUrban OutfittersAnthropologies的3大品牌一直是各年龄段潮人儿们挖宝的好地方,虽然每个品牌针对的年龄段,消费层次都不同,但是”范儿“绝对是一至的“不俗”:波西米亚,混搭,嘻皮,vintage,Whimsical (想象力没拘束的无穷魅力)。。。是高街(high street)时尚里的”奇葩“。

然而潮人儿也有”婚“的时候呀!普通的蓬蓬裙,色丁(satin),水晶珠子。。。怎么看怎么都缺点儿”范儿“,没有混搭出来的强烈对比,就觉得穿在了”框框“里。毛儿婚的时候极想搜罗一件30, 40年代的vintage(小古董)婚纱.。。。但是经过小猪元儿的超强烈反对,不得不罢休(变相夸自己是潮人儿,但是被逼”还俗“了)。。。哎。。。现在能不能再“婚一次”呀?