Saturday, November 6, 2010

COACH 包 20% Off Coupon -- 11/03 -11/14

*Offer valid 11/03/10-11/14/10 in Coach Factory stores in US, Canada and Puerto Rico only. Cannot be combined with any other offer.
One time use only. Not valid on previous purchases. Offer may not be reproduced.
This offer is subject to quantity limitations per customer.

告诉你在纽约Shopping的小秘密! 到纽约购物一定要看看!
如果您喜欢这类信息,就在FaceBook入团吧! 谢谢大家支持!

Tibi Sample Sale -- 11/09 - 11/11

Tibi New York Sample Sample

Nanette Lepore Sample Sale 50% Off 11/09 -11/12

Who: Nanette Lepore Sample Sale
What: 50% OFF!
Where: 225 W. 35th St. New York, NY 10001
When: November 9th - 12th, 2010 Monday - Wednesday @ 9:30 AM - 6:00 PM
Thursday @ 9:30 AM - 7:00 PM

Andrew Marc Annual Sample Sale -- 11/06 -11/14

Who: Andrew Marc is hosting its yearly sample sale - the New York tradition is finally here!!!! What: Andrew Marc's collection features women's, girls (sizes 4-14), and men's leather and luxury fabric outerwear. Also find women's leather handbags and men's business/travel bags. Make sure to catch this sale for as much as 65% off retail prices.  

Thursday, November 4, 2010

Lanvin for H&M 11月20号在北美上市 --11/20 - 11/23

Lanvin for H&M 11月20号在北美上市~看看照片和价钱表!

逗个乐儿先,小毛儿最近学了很多新词儿:宅,鸭梨,o my lady Gaga。。。最cute cute的是不知道哪个无聊可爱人把国骂编成了:“瞄了个咪的”.。。。哈(希望不太冷)

Privé -- Fall Sample Sale -- 11.04 - 11.07

虽然可以想像的到还是以前的那几个牌子。。。可是。。。你看最近又降温啦,还是值得去去的 lol,或者看看小毛儿以前的文儿再说?!

Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Convent - Ongoing

Who: Convent
What: Markdowns on hip labels. Dusen Dusen sack dress was $209, now $145; Cheap Monday velvet dress was $78, now $15
When:Ongoing. Tues—Sat noon—8pm, Sun noon—5pm, Mon closed.
Where: 179 Stanton St between Clinton and Attorney Sts (212-673-0233)